sawney janhit foundation focuses on empowering women and girls with education, productive work and resistance violence in their lives, they can be strong and independent. Our team is small but our dreams are not. All of us want to create and participate in a society. Where all women can live a violent - free - dignified life with no discrimination.
sawney janhit foundation working towards making health a reality for the poorest and unreached, empowering individuals and communities to take change of their own health and help them achieve freedom from disease and dependance.
SAWNEY JANHIT FOUNDATION organizes awarness programmes on the need and benefits of education, As per UNICEF data 7.1 million children in India do not go to school, sawney janhit foundation works to insure that all child go to school so that there is no child labour as well as a building a promising future of these under privileged children.
Human empowerment implies giving them independence and choice in how they want to lead their lives. Sawney janhit foundation Human Development activities aim to empower human so that they can become earn their own income or become Entrepreneur. We provide sustainable livelihoods opportunities.
Farming has always been the most important economic activity in India. In Government statistics. More than half of the population of India depends entirely on agriculture for livelihoods and most of these are small and marginal farmers. Focusing on the prosperity of farmers make the business of agriculture more sustainable for all involved by partnering with farmers, we strengthen agricultural supply chains in an economically and sustainable way that helps builds resilient farms and communities.
Fund Raised
Sawney janhit foundation, an indian Social Development organization is directly benefitting all of Invester, To support and protect the legal / Fundamental rights through appointing advocate not only in Mumbai but all over the india for the welfare of the poor people and women against the public and private organisations, Government or non-Goverment organization Banking and Non-Banking Company
आज दिनांक 27/7/2024 को 4/7 एकर ( माशापाडा, काशी गांव) महानगरपालिका के स्कूल के पास अडानी की केबल खुल गई थी उस सिलसिले सावनी जनहित फाउंडेशन को कंप्लेंट आने पर, तुरन्त ही अडानी के अधिकारियों से बात किया गया, संस्था के पदाधिकारी व्दारा सर्वे किया गया, आगे कोई दुर्घटना ना हो इसका आश्वासन अडाणी कंपनी लिया गया
मीरा भायन्दर वसई विरार पुलिस आयुक्तालय की टिम ने 325 करोड़ की एमडी ड्रग्स बनाने का कच्चा माल सहित 4 बंदुक और 33 जिंदा कारतूस माननीय श्री मधुकर पाण्डेय जी में जप्त किया गया, सावनी जनहित फाउंडेशन के पदाधिकारी द्वारा महोदय का सम्मान किया गया
मीरा भायन्दर की पुर्व महापौर श्रीमती ज्योत्स्ना हसनाले से काशी गांव कि समस्या से संबंधित ज्ञापन सौंपा गया